How to Use Snap Tite settings
Would you like to make jewelry that looks like a professional jeweler made it? Either for yourself,
gifts, or to start your own business. It is not as hard as you think!!
Snap Tites are the easiest way to make jewelry, like it came from a professional shop. Of course
practice makes perfect.
First you need to measure your gem to see what size setting you need. They need to be measured
in millimeters since all gems (I've seen) sellers sell them by the millimeters(mm). This can be done
with a caliper. Generally, the more expensive caliper is better, you need to be at least close to your
measurements. If the caliper can read at least .1mm, it will work great, a manual read will work ok
also as long as you can guess close to the size. You always try to use the same size setting as gem
you have.
Snap tites are supposed to snap right in and that's it. Well that only works for a perfect size gem. A
perfect size gem is exactly the right mm and the edge of the gem comes to a point. Anything other
needs help. The help needed is still easy to do.
Setting a perfect size gem:
1. You lay the gem upside down on a flat hard surface.
2. Press the setting onto the gem. You will hear a snap. Sometimes pressing hard but gently as to
not press the setting too hard, it will hit the surface and bend the prongs.
3. That's it your done.
Setting not so perfect gems:
It's easiest to make the setting to fit the gem before setting. With practice you will know how to bend
the setting before setting. For instance, if the gem has a thick edge, it is easiest to take round nose
plies and place one end on the inside (notch) of the prong and one on the outside and squeeze a
little. This will make the notch bigger to be able to fit a wider edge gem. The wider the gem the more
you manipulate the setting notch. If the gem is a little smaller than the size setting you have you
may need to bend all the prongs inward a little, if the gem is a little big you may need to bend them
outward before setting.
Before setting your gems examine them. These are the questions you need to ask yourself
Does this gem have a thick girdle?
If you have a thick girdle use round nose pliers and round out each of the prongs before setting the
Is this gem to deep for this setting?
To find out if your gem is to deep for the setting place the gem upside down next to the setting (lay
upside down as well. If the gemstone is taller than the setting it is too deep and will not work
What is the precise measurement of the gem? (I recommend using a caliper)
Make sure to measure correctly to ensure you have the right setting. If you have a gemstones that
is 7.95 x 4.95 oval use the next size up. You would use a 8x6 oval setting.
1. After setting, make sure the end of the prong is touching the top of the gem. If they are not use
your pliers and from the bottom of the setting to the top and squeeze just enough to make the
prong touch the gem.
2. If after setting, if your gem is not sitting centered, you can use your pliers to manipulate the to
where it needs to be.
Tools Needed
Caliper (measuring device)
Pliers (any but gem setting pliers are best)
Optional Tools
Loupe - to see the quality of your gem
Pin Vise - I use to hold setting
Round Nose Pliers - to mold settings
Tweezers -easier to pick out gems
We have a large selection of snap tite
settings. We have earring, pendant,
dangle drops, and ring settings.
Click Image to view Snap Tite Earring Settings